Tree planting activity for World Environment Day
June 15, 2019
The motto for this year’s World Environment Day was “Beat Air Pollution”. Supported by Long Yang e.V., the Akasha Adademy NGO organised a colourful day with tree planting, workshops and live music.
Against the destruction of forests
In the context of the unlawful deforestation of a hillside property belonging to the Suntakhan community, World Environment Day was also an occasion to collectively make a statement against the destruction of forests. On the grounds of the Akasha Academy NGO in Suntakhan, many people from the community, local schools and the administration came together to plant trees on 5th June.
A colorful program about environmental protection
Before the highlight of the event, the tree planting, there were several activities around the topic of “environmental protection”
First, some speakers gave speeches to introduce the day thematically. After a short welcome by the presidents of Long Yang e.V. and Akasha Academy NGO, the vice-president Nima Yangchen Hyolmo of HEACOP (Himgiri Eco-friendly Agriculture Co-operative Ltd.) spoke and emphasised the importance of the joint commitment to environmental protection. District Chairman Rajendra Bandari also brought in the local perspective in an address. Afterwards, the speakers and other local protagonists from politics and administration had the opportunity to make a personal pledge for the protection of local forests and the environment in brief statements.
This was followed by a workshop by HEACOP. In the interactive role play, led by Kapil Prajapati, the students and adults present learned about the responsibilities that each individual has when it comes to protecting the environment.
The following planting of numerous walnut, mango, Sechuan pepper and other seedlings was accompanied by live music by Spanish artist Monica Sans Duran.
At the end of the day’s programme, all participants had time to strengthen themselves and exchange ideas over a freshly cooked lunch.
Thanks to all the contributors for organising this colourful and educational day.