Global Guardians - Protecting the Elements of Life

April 28, 2023

Long Yang NGO launches children's program this spring. In 5 interactive workshops, children learn about the 4 elements water, fire, earth, air and their qualities in a playful way.

Long Yang NGO launches children's program

How does the world consist of water, fire, earth and air?

How are humans and animals connected to the elements?

How can we protect them?

As part of Akasha Education, the first children’s program organized by Long Yang e.V. will start this spring. In 5 interactive workshops, children learn about the 4 elements water, fire, earth, air and their qualities in a playful way. They discover that our world consists of these elements and how humans and animals are linked to them.

With movement games, interactive stories and experiments, the children will be encouraged to move around and to discover new things by themselves. They experience with all their senses that they are part of nature. At the same time, they experience in each workshop that nature needs care and protection to preserve it for all humans. The children can actively take part in shaping the structure of the sessions. Afterwards, they have the opportunity to present what they have experienced in a “Festival of the Elements”.

The project is funded by the German Children and Youth Foundation (Deutsche Kinder-und Jugendstiftung) as part of “Zukunftspaket”and is supported in its content by aula gGmbH. Currently, the workshops are held in cooperation with kindergartens in Munich and can be expanded if requested. Get in contact via:

Further Programs und Projects

The Global Guardians workshop series is part of Akasha Education’s international “Global Guardians Curriculum”, which is based on Universal Ethics. From kindergarten to graduation, the curriculum is offered for children and young people to develop their individual strengths and using them for a positive future of our planet. In the next few years, the gradual opening of kindergartens and schools is planned. If you are interested in our programs or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to exchanging ideas, concepts and experiences and finding new partners with educators, parents and others. Mail to: