Follow Willy the whale on his journey

An interactive story for children​

Event on June, 10, 2023

at Akasha Academy, Munich

About the workshop

Scuba diver Tilda is fascinated by the sea and its inhabitants.  One day she sets out to find one of the largest animals in the sea, and even in the world – Willy the whale. She has often watched him: this huge fountaine which suddenly appears from the water! These deep songs! But what is he doing so close to the surface? And what does he have to do with us humans? Tilda is curious and wants to find out more. But every time she gets closer, the whale swims away. What is he doing on his journey? She decides to follow him…. 

Join Tilda in an interactive story through the ocean in search of the whale Willy and help her solve the mystery.

About the programs of Akasha Education in Munich

In May this year, the program for children “Global Guardians – Protecting the Elements of Life” will start in Munich Laim. In five interactive workshops, children between the ages of 4 and 6 will learn more about the four elements and their properties in a playful way. The opening of the first kindergarten is planned for next year – as the first step of an international curriculum from kindergarten to school graduation.

Why are we dealing with whales?

Everything in life is interconnected – even if it does not seem like it at first glance. The relationship we humans have with whales illustrates this in an impressive way: Through every breath we take, we are connected with the majestic giants of the ocean. As guardians of the marine ecosystem, they play an important role for the protection of the resources of life.

We are looking forward to welcoming you!


June 10th, 2023 3:00 p.m.

A one-hour, interactive children’s program with open end


Akasha Academy,
Stöberlstrasse 68
80686 München/Laim
Phone: 089 12416086

For Whom

For preschool kids aged 4 to 6 accompanied by at least on of their parents as well as for interested educators. The event is donation-based.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

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